About me

Hey there!

My name is Pavel and I’m based in Prague, Czech Republic. To be honest, I live in a small village near to Prague, however no one knows this place, so let’s stick with Prague.

I’m father of two kids, husband of one wife and owner of one dog and also senior software engineer.

I’m currently working in a fully distributed company called Hotjar which has people spread across the whole world, the majority of them in EMEA.

about me

What am I interested in:

  • Travelling with my family
  • Software Architecture
  • DevOps for micro-services architecture
  • Amazon Web Services & Cloud in general
  • Lean product development

What do I believe in:

“You build it, you run it.”

“Hope is not a strategy.”

“Roll forward.”

AWS is awesome. Seriously!

If you want to get in touch, drop me an email at pkrayzel (at) gmail.com.